Do You Have a Content Strategy for Events, Forums and conferences?

Well, there are several other ways to share the content other than online publishing. Much has been written and shared about online content marketing and the necessity for in-person (face-to-face) content is often overlooked. The reason being, the companies are only concerned about their online content marketing strategy and most of the times they have so much at hand that they barely get time to prepare thoroughly for their marketing events, conferences or forums. And they severely fail when trying to connect with the top executives during such events.


Having a well thought out content strategy for events and developing the right content for such events is crucial to ensuring that you align your matter perfectly well to the aims of that hard-to-please audience. Trust me; they won’t stay in the program for a single second more if they feel they aren’t getting any significant value from what you’re saying.

Listed here are a few best practices that can help you create compelling content for business events and conferences.

1. No Sales

Let us understand that executives whole day listen to sales pitches. So why don’t you give them a break for them and tell them something interesting and entertaining. Wear the hat of innovation and create humor-filled stories around the theme of the event. Coach the presenters and participants not to deliver sales pitches. Even if you tell stories, don’t beat around the bush and try assimilating it valuable insights and well researched outcomes.

2. Remain Focused on Agenda

Understand that the attention span of top-shot executives is very short. Instead of showcasing your full range of capabilities, better stick to the major ones that you think really matter. So, summarize to the extent possible but remember it shouldn’t lose its efficacy and succinct points. Draft the content in such a manner that deriving the bottom line or crux of the matter is easy and quick. It shouldn’t give even a hint of ambiguity.

3. Co-Create the Agenda

One of the most effective ways to create a compelling content is to involve participants in the process right from the beginning. Brainstorm and decide on the major issues such as event agenda, content focus, topics, topic agendas, value and way of presentation. Pay attention to their suggestions and assess the feasibility. Ensure that even participants feel the sense of ownership and responsibility to make the program a success.

4. Involve Your Company Leaders

Obviously your executives are peers to the executives of other companies and your c-suite clients. Ask for their suggestions and try to implement them when creating content. They know how executives skim the information and what points can gain their attention. Most executive seek something that can surprise them and add value to their knowledge box. So, confirm the program elements and collect useful insights from them and shape your content on this basis.

5. Push Beyond the Common

They are not interested in past or present; rather they will be more engrossed in future possibilities. So, give them the food for their brain and highlight in opportunities in the area that can be tapped and converted into successful business propositions.

6. Go from Technical to Strategic

Executives are interested in points that can help them in building strategies. Don’t sound too technical during your program instead push to take them to the strategy-making mode.

The bottom line is understand, research and ultimately deliver them the value that they look for.

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