How To Use Google Webmaster Tools?

Google has offered so many tools for webmasters especially who are dealing with SEO.  All tools are awesome in respect of performing how well your site is doing.  Google Webmaster Tools is undoubtedly one of the best tools that you should use as a regular health checkup for your website and its performance.

It is a highly beneficial tool for SEO inspiration.  If you haven’t used this tool yet and are okay without using this tool then there might be no point for you to use it.  But once you will use Google webmaster tools, you will become fan of it like me.

It’s not included in my daily routine to checkup the data related to my website using this tool, rather I used to do it whenever I have some free time or on a weekly basis.  That is fine with me to collect the data and resolve the issue related to my websites.

Google webmaster tools provide you lots of information about your website that you might not have noticed yet.  You might get confused if you are using for the first time while on the dashboard of Google webmaster tools.  Below are some tips and tabs that you should use for proper SEO benefits.

Fix Crawl Errors

After selecting a site from the dashboard, you will see the diagnostic tab.  Under diagnostic tab you will see an overview of the crawl errors that Google has encountered over a period of time.  You can view the reason of the error as well as how to fix this up.

Fix 404s

404s is simply known as page not found.  If someone has added the URL of your website and unfortunately have misspelled it then Google obviously will not find the page.  By simply recognizing it, you can make appropriate changes to correct the URL and be safe from the error called page not found.

Crawl Rate

How crawl is important for you?  Obviously, everyone wants their web page to be crawled (fast indexing) as soon as possible by Google.  Is it fast or not?  What has been causing or prohibiting fast crawling to your site?  You should make the crawl rate as fast as possible.  Take the help of web hosting provider.

Inbound Links

It is simply an amazing data.  You will be able to visualize how many links your site is getting by other sites and who have linked to your site.  You can find statistics like Page Rank of the linking site.

Search Query

What are your high ranking pages?  You will be able to look at the pages that are getting top rankings.  It simply means for which search query your site is able to be found.

Keyword Research And Performance In SERP

You can find an awesome keyword data that Google will provide you.  You can improve your keyword research as well as build another list of keywords that are highly suitable for your website based on the nature of your website.  Again, you can analyze the performance of your keywords in SERP.

Click Through Rate

This again is very important data which is being loved by SEO webmasters.  No data would be better than this because the whole exercises are to improve the CTR.

Hope you are enjoying Google Webmaster Tools and find out what other free tools Google provides you in one of the next posts.


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